December 11, 2024
Action: Closes retention of hatchery steelhead Dec. 12 through Dec. 31. Closes all fishing beginning Jan. 1.
Effective date: Dec. 12, 2024, through Jan. 31, 2025
Species affected: All species.
- Mainstem Nooksack from Lummi Nation Reservation boundary to the confluence of North and South Forks
- Middle Fork Nooksack from mouth to the former City of Bellingham diversion dam
- North Fork Nooksack from the confluence with the South Fork to Maple Creek
- South Fork Nooksack from the mouth to Skookum Creek
- Closed to retention of hatchery steelhead Dec. 12 through Dec. 31.
- Closed waters (all species) Jan 1 through Jan. 31.
Reason for action: In 2023 the Nooksack River hatchery steelhead return came in below forecast and broodstock goals were not met. The 2024-2025 hatchery steelhead forecast is 58 fish, which is well below the 160 fish broodstock goal. These in-season conservation measures are needed to ensure future sport and treaty hatchery steelhead fishing opportunities. The Jan. 1 closure also protects wild winter steelhead.
Additional information: In response to this conservation effort, all comanagers have agreed to cease fishing for hatchery steelhead in the Nooksack River and its forks.
The North Fork, South Fork and Mainstem will remain open for coho salmon as listed in the 2024-2025 Washington Sport Fishing Rules, through the end of the year. If steelhead hatchery broodstock goals are met WDFW will reevaluate if any sport opportunity can be offered after the time the goal was met.
Information contact: North Puget Sound Region, 425-775-1311.