Revised salmon Seasons on the Upper Columbia River

July 1, 2020

Action: Allow retention of summer Chinook salmon and open the Brewster Pool salmon season early.

Species affected: Salmon.

Revised Areas, Effective Dates, and Rules:

From Priest Rapids Dam to Rock Island Dam. July 4 through August 31, 2020. Daily limit 6 salmon. Up to two (2) may be adult hatchery Chinook and up to two (2) may be Sockeye. Minimum size 12". Release wild adult Chinook and Coho.

From Rock Island Dam to Wells Dam. July 4 through October 15, 2020. Daily limit 6 salmon. Up to two (2) may be adult hatchery Chinook and up to two (2) may be Sockeye. Minimum size 12". Release wild adult Chinook and Coho.

From Wells Dam to the Highway 173 Bridge at Brewster. July 16 through September 15, 2020. Daily limit 6 salmon. Up to two (2) may be adult hatchery Chinook and up to two (2) may be Sockeye. Minimum size 12". Release wild adult Chinook and Coho.

From the Highway 173 Bridge at Brewster to the rock jetty at the upstream shoreline of Foster Creek (Douglas County side). July 4 through October 15, 2020. Daily limit 6 salmon. Up to two (2) may be adult hatchery Chinook and up to two (2) may be Sockeye. Minimum size 12". Release wild adult Chinook and Coho.

Reason for action: The U.S. v Oregon Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) updated the summer Chinook run from a pre-season value of 38,000 to 65,000. At this updated run size there are more surplus hatchery fish available for harvest. The TAC is comprised of representatives from Washington, Oregon, Idaho, NOAA, and the Treaty Tribes and are responsible for developing pre-season and in-season run forecasts that salmon seasons are based on.

Additional information:

1) The summer Chinook run will be closely monitored and updated by TAC weekly. Season could change or close quickly if necessary.

2) Anglers are reminded that the Colville Confederated Tribes will be collecting broodstock and fish for ceremonial and subsistence. Please be respectful of this activity.

3) Fishing closures around dams remain in effect and as described in the 2020-2021 Sport Fishing Rules Pamphlet (

4) Two-pole fishing is allowed with valid a two-pole endorsement for the seasons described above.

5) Barbed hooks allowed.

Information contact: Call the Ephrata regional office (509-754-4624) or email

Fishers must have a current Washington fishing license, appropriate to the fishery. Check the WDFW "Fishing in Washington" rules pamphlet for details on definitions and regulations. Fishing rules are subject to change. Check the WDFW Fishing hotline for the latest rule information at 360-902-2500, press 2 for recreational rules. For the Shellfish Rule Change hotline call toll free 866-880-5431.

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