Salmon fishing closes in Grays Harbor and all rivers draining into it

October 23, 2015

October 23, 2015

Salmon fishing closes on Grays Harbor
and all rivers draining into it

(1) Grays Harbor Catch Area 2-2 (Grays Harbor Co.): Closed to salmon fishing.

(2) The following rivers will be closed to salmon fishing:

* Black River (Grays Harbor/Thurston Co.)

* Chehalis River Lewis/Cowlitz Co.)

* Elk River ( Grays Harbor Co.)

* Hoquiam River and all forks (Grays Harbor Co.)

* Humptulips River (Grays Harbor Co.)

* Johns River (Grays Harbor Co.)

* Newaukum River (Lewis Co.)

* Satsop River and all forks (Mason/Grays Harbor Co.)

* Skookumchuck River (Lewis/Thurston Co.)

* Van Winkle Creek (Grays Harbor Co.)

* Wishkah River (Grays Harbor Co.)

* Wynoochee River (Grays Harbor/Jefferson Co.)

Effective Date: 12:01 a.m. Oct. 26, 2015, until further notice.

Species affected: Salmon

Reason for action: In-season run size assessments conducted by Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife indicate that coho run sizes are significantly below pre-season forecasts. Conservation objectives may not be achieved for coho if this action is not taken.

Other information: Game fish rules are unchanged and remain as specified in the 2015-16 Washington Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet.

Information contact: Mike Scharpf, (360) 249-1205

Fishers must have a current Washington fishing license, appropriate to the fishery. Check the WDFW "Fishing in Washington" rules pamphlet for details on definitions and regulations. Fishing rules are subject to change. Check the WDFW Fishing hotline for the latest rule information at 360-902-2500, press 2 for recreational rules. For the Shellfish Rule Change hotline call toll free 866-880-5431.

Request this information in an alternative format or language at, 833-885-1012, TTY (711), or