Second Eulachon smelt opener planned for the lower Cowlitz River

February 29, 2024

Action:  Eulachon smelt will be open from 1:00 p.m. through 6:00 p.m. (5-hour period).

Rules:  Daily limit is 10lbs only. Harvesters may use handheld dipnets only. It is unlawful to harvest smelt from a vessel.

Effective date:  Tuesday, March 5, 2024.

Species affected:  Eulachon smelt.

Location:  Cowlitz River, from Hwy. 432 Bridge to the mouth of the Toutle River. 

Reason for action:  In-season monitoring data indicate the eulachon run size is large enough to support a second recreational opening, per guidance from the 2023 Washington and Oregon Eulachon Management Plan. The recreational fishery also serves as an important opportunity to collect additional biological data.

Additional information:  No license required. Each harvester must be actively participating, and all smelt caught must be retained up to the daily limit. In the field, it is unlawful for each person harvesting smelt to fail to use a separate container to hold their catch and the container must be in the harvester's presence or identified with the harvester's name (per WAC 220-315-040). Violation of this subsection is an infraction, punishable under RCW 77.15.160.

Hand dip net gear may not exceed 36 inches across the bag frame with a maximum mesh size of 5/8 inch stretch mesh size and must have a rigid handle.

To address access concerns, the upper boundary of the fishery has been extended. Dip-netting is permitted from the shore along the river from the Highway 432 Bridge near Kelso upstream to the mouth of the Toutle River north of Castle Rock, spanning the north end of the mouth to the opposite bank of the Cowlitz River. For more details including a map showing fishing boundaries and popular access areas, visit the Cowlitz River smelt fishing webpage. 

Information contact:  Region 5 office; 360-696-6211

Fishers must have a current Washington fishing license, appropriate to the fishery. Check the WDFW "Fishing in Washington" rules pamphlet for details on definitions and regulations. Fishing rules are subject to change. Visit to find a list of mobile, web, print, or customer service phone options for the latest rule information.

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