May 20, 2003
May 20, 2003
Sport fishing for halibut in Catch Areas 3 and 4
opens May 23, 2003, for a two-day fishery
Action: Recreational halibut fishing in Marine Catch Areas 3 and 4 will open to halibut fishing on May 23, 2003.
Effective date: 12:01 a.m. May 23 through 11:59 p.m. May 24, 2003
Species: Pacific Halibut
Location: Marine Catch Area 3 - LaPush from the Queets River north to Cape Alava and Marine Catch Area 4 - Neah Bay from Cape Alava north and inside Juan de Fuca Strait to the Sekiu River.
Reason for action: In reviewing the catch per day for this year, there is sufficient quota remaining to allow for a two-day halibut fishery.
Information contact: Michele Robinson (360) 249-4628.
Sport fishing for halibut in Catch Areas 3 and 4
opens May 23, 2003, for a two-day fishery
Action: Recreational halibut fishing in Marine Catch Areas 3 and 4 will open to halibut fishing on May 23, 2003.
Effective date: 12:01 a.m. May 23 through 11:59 p.m. May 24, 2003
Species: Pacific Halibut
Location: Marine Catch Area 3 - LaPush from the Queets River north to Cape Alava and Marine Catch Area 4 - Neah Bay from Cape Alava north and inside Juan de Fuca Strait to the Sekiu River.
Reason for action: In reviewing the catch per day for this year, there is sufficient quota remaining to allow for a two-day halibut fishery.
Information contact: Michele Robinson (360) 249-4628.