April 13, 2007
Action: Open recreational fishing for halibut in marine area 5. Daily bag limit of one halibut per angler, with no minimum size limit. All catch must be recorded on a catch record card.
Effective date: Open 12:01 a.m. Thursday May 24 through Aug. 3, 2007, 5-days per week, closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Species affected: Pacific Halibut
Location: Marine Area 5 (Sekiu)
Reason for action: This rule conforms to federal action taken by Pacific Fisheries Management Council. There is sufficient recreational quota to provide for these seasons.
Information contact: Heather Reed, (360) 249-1202
Effective date: Open 12:01 a.m. Thursday May 24 through Aug. 3, 2007, 5-days per week, closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Species affected: Pacific Halibut
Location: Marine Area 5 (Sekiu)
Reason for action: This rule conforms to federal action taken by Pacific Fisheries Management Council. There is sufficient recreational quota to provide for these seasons.
Information contact: Heather Reed, (360) 249-1202