Summer Chinook fishery opening in Columbia River below Hwy 395

July 1, 2020

Action: Opens season for Chinook.

Effective date: July 4 through July 8, 2020. (Salmon and steelhead fishing closed July 9 through July 31, 2020)

Species affected: Chinook

Location: Columbia River, from a line projected from Rocky Point on the Washington bank through Red Buoy 44 to red navigation marker 2 at Tongue point on the Oregon bank upstream to Hwy. 395 Bridge at Pasco.

Rule: Salmon; daily limit 6, up to 2 adults may be retained. Min. size 12". Release all salmon and steelhead other than hatchery Chinook.

Reason for action: The upper Columbia River summer Chinook run has been updated to 65,000. No additional impacts on Snake River ESA-listed sockeye are expected to occur with this short opener for hatchery chinook.

Additional information: Salmon and steelhead fishing remains closed through July 31, downstream of the Rocky Point/Tongue point line, and for waters upstream starting July 9.

Fishery managers will continue to monitor the returns to ensure that conservation goals are achieved.

Information contact: Region 5: (360) 696-6211, Region 3: (509) 575-2474.

Fishers must have a current Washington fishing license, appropriate to the fishery. Check the WDFW "Fishing in Washington" rules pamphlet for details on definitions and regulations. Fishing rules are subject to change. Check the WDFW Fishing hotline for the latest rule information at 360-902-2500, press 2 for recreational rules. For the Shellfish Rule Change hotline call toll free 866-880-5431.

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