Two sections of Green River to open for coho, gamefish; rule change on lower reach

September 23, 2016

September 23, 2016

Two sections of Green River to open for coho, gamefish;
rules change on the lower reach

Action: Opens sections of the Green (Duwamish) River to fishing for coho salmon, trout, and other game fish. Changes daily limit and size restrictions on the section of the lower Green River (King County), where fishing is currently open.

Species affected: Salmon, trout, and other game fish.

Locations and dates:

(Lower) Green River, from 1st Ave. South Bridge upstream to I-405

Effective dates: Sept. 24 through Oct. 31

Salmon: Minimum size 12 inches. Daily limit 6 salmon, only 3 adults. Release chinook.

Trout: Minimum size 14 inches. Daily limit 2.

Other game fish: Statewide minimum size/daily limit.

Release steelhead.

This section is already open to fishing through Oct. 31. This rule increases the daily limit for salmon, changes minimum size requirement for trout and requires anglers to release steelhead.

Green River, from I-405 to South 277th Bridge

Effective dates: Oct. 1 through Oct. 31

Salmon: Minimum size 12 inches. Daily limit 6 salmon, only 3 adults. Release chinook.

Trout: Minimum size 14 inches. Daily limit 2.

Other game fish: Statewide minimum size/daily limit.

Release steelhead.

Green River, from I-405 to Auburn-Black Diamond Road Bridge

Effective dates: Oct. 16 through Oct. 31

Salmon: Minimum size 12 inches. Daily limit 6 salmon, only 3 adults. Release chinook.

Trout: Minimum size 14 inches. Daily limit 2.

Other game fish: Statewide minimum size/daily limit.

Release steelhead.

Other Information: All species: night closure and anti-snagging rule are in effect.

Reasons for action: These areas were originally closed under a state and tribal co-manager agreement to protect coho salmon. Early season test fisheries have indicate that the coho return is strong enough to expand sport and tribal fisheries in the lower Green River.

The Green River is scheduled to open Nov. 1 for chum. WDFW will continue to monitor the coho run and may adjust the coho seasons through Oct. 31. Any announcements about will be posted on WDFW's fishing rule change website at

Information Contact: Mill Creek Regional Office, (425) 775-1311.

Fishers must have a current Washington fishing license, appropriate to the fishery. Check the WDFW "Fishing in Washington" rules pamphlet for details on definitions and regulations. Fishing rules are subject to change. Check the WDFW Fishing hotline for the latest rule information at 360-902-2500, press 2 for recreational rules. For the Shellfish Rule Change hotline call toll free 866-880-5431.

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