September 13, 2019
Action: Closes all fishing.
Effective date: Sept. 16 through Nov. 30, 2019
Species affected: All species.
Location: Wind River from 100 feet above Shipherd Falls to Moore Bridge.
Reason for action: A minimum escapement of 500 wild summer steelhead is needed to allow for the opening of a catch-and-release fishery above Shipherd Falls on Sept. 16. Based on recent survey results, the wild escapement is projected to be below that objective. Summer steelhead returns have been low throughout the Columbia River basin this year.
Additional information: Please see the 2019-20 Washington Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet for additional rules or visit the WDFW website at
Information contact: Matt Gardner, district fish biologist, 360-906-6746.
Effective date: Sept. 16 through Nov. 30, 2019
Species affected: All species.
Location: Wind River from 100 feet above Shipherd Falls to Moore Bridge.
Reason for action: A minimum escapement of 500 wild summer steelhead is needed to allow for the opening of a catch-and-release fishery above Shipherd Falls on Sept. 16. Based on recent survey results, the wild escapement is projected to be below that objective. Summer steelhead returns have been low throughout the Columbia River basin this year.
Additional information: Please see the 2019-20 Washington Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet for additional rules or visit the WDFW website at
Information contact: Matt Gardner, district fish biologist, 360-906-6746.