The recreational fishing hotlines are phasing out in summer 2024. Please visit the fishing hotlines page for more on WDFW's many options to access current fishing and shellfishing regulations and information.
September 6, 2024
Removed expired rules.
U. S. – Canada border to Cape Falcon, Oregon.
Marine Area 1 (Leadbetter Point south):
Beginning September 5, closed to fishing for salmon upon attainment of the coho quota.
Marine Area 2 (Queets River to Leadbetter Point):
Beginning September 5, closed to fishing for salmon upon attainment of the coho quota.
Area 2.1 [east of a line from Leadbetter Point to Cape Shoalwater (Willapa Bay)]:
August 1 – January 31 open, Minimum size 12”. Six fish daily limit of which no more than 2 adults allowed, Release UM Chinook. Anglers allowed to fish with two pole with Two Pole Endorsement.
Willapa Bay Control Zone: Open August 1 – January 31, 2024.
North River Closure Area in effect: August 1 – September 30, 2024.
Area 2.2 [west of the Buoy 13 line (Grays Harbor)]:
June 30 - August 11 open concurrent with Ocean Area 2. Ocean Area 2 rules apply.
Area 2.2 [east of the Buoy 13 line (Grays Harbor)]:
Closed through July 31.
Marine Area 3 (Cape Alava to Queets River):
Beginning August 21, closed to fishing for salmon upon attainment of the coho quota.
La Push late season.
No La Push late season in 2024.
Marine Area 4 (U.S. /Canada border to Cape Alava and east to Sekiu River):
Beginning September 3, closed to fishing for salmon upon attainment of the coho quota.
Ocean recreational salmon fisheries are managed on a quota. Open days, landing and possession limits, or any other regulation could change at any time.