Select a marine area to learn if it's open for shrimping, and see daily limits and rules for different marine waters.
Some rules apply in all areas:
- Each harvester must have a separate container for their catch, either in their possession or identified with their name.
- No minimum carapace size.
- Maximum of two shrimp pots per person and no more than four shrimp pots per boat.
Prior to harvesting, check the shellfish rule change free hotline 866-880-5431 or visit this webpage for season closures and restrictions.
Shrimp daily limits and rules
Daily limits and rules for spot, coonstripe, and pink shrimp.
Puget Sound, Hood Canal, Strait of Juan de Fuca, and San Juan Islands
Marine Areas 5 through 13 and Marine Area 4 (Neah Bay) east of the Bonilla-Tatoosh line.
Please see the Marine Areas tabs below for additional harvest dates and specific details.
Daily limit of 10 pounds, heads and tails, of all shrimp species combined. Maximum of 80 spot shrimp, if open for spot shrimp.
If retaining only spot shrimp, then shrimp heads may be removed and discarded in the field.
If retaining any shrimp species other than spot shrimp, then shrimp heads may be removed but must be retained while in the field, until ashore and finished fishing for the day.
The minimum mesh size for shrimp pots is 1-inch mesh unless the area is closed for spot shrimp, but open for coonstripe and pink shrimp ("non-spot shrimp"), then the minimum size for shrimp pots is 1/2-inch mesh (See: current gear rules).
In areas closed for spot shrimp, but open for coonstripe and pink shrimp ("non-spot shrimp"), all spot shrimp caught must be returned to the water immediately.
Pacific Ocean
Marine Areas 1 through 3 and Marine Area 4 (Neah Bay) west of the Bonilla-Tatoosh line
Pacific Ocean shrimp grounds are located a considerable distance from shore (30 miles or more) and as a result are generally inaccessible by the casual sport fisher.
Daily limit of 25 pounds, heads and tails, of all shrimp species combined. Maximum of 200 spot shrimp.
Shrimp heads may be removed, but must be retained while in the field, until ashore and finished fishing for the day.
The minimum mesh size for shrimp pots is 1-inch mesh (See: current gear rules).

Marine Area 1 - Pacific Ocean - Ilwaco
Open all year
Marine Area 2 - Pacific Ocean - Westport/Ocean Shores
Open all year
Marine Area 3 - Pacific Ocean - LaPush
Open all year
Marine Area 4 - Neah Bay east of Tatoosh - Bonilla line
All-shrimp season: Closed.
Season/Open Days and Times:
Opened May 16, daylight hours only. The recreational spot shrimp season closes when the quota is met or September 15, whichever comes first.
Non-spot shrimp only season: Closed.
A non-spot shrimp only season is not planned for this area.
Marine Area 5 - Western Strait of Juan De Fuca
All-shrimp season: Closed.
Season/Open Days and Times:
Opened May 16, daylight hours only. The recreational spot shrimp season closes when the quota is met or September 15, whichever comes first.
Non-spot shrimp only season: Closed.
A non-spot shrimp only season is not planned for this area.
Marine Area 6 - Port Angeles Harbor, Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca outside of the Discovery Bay Shrimp District
All-shrimp season: Closed.
Season/Open Days and Times:
Was open on May 16 - 18, May 30 - June 1, June 13 - 16, and June 28 - 30. Daylight hours only. The originally announced opening scheduled for July 12 - 15 has been cancelled due to the recreational target being reached. Closed for the year.
Non-spot shrimp only season: Closed.
Was open daily through October 15. 1/2 inch mesh pots were allowed and a maximum fishing depth restriction of 175 feet was in effect. During that time all spot shrimp must be released immediately unharmed.
Marine Area 6 - Discovery Bay Shrimp District
All-shrimp season: Closed.
Season/Open Days and Times:
Was open on May 17 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. only and on May 30 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. only. Closed for the year.
Non-spot shrimp only season: Closed.
A non-spot shrimp only season is not planned for this area.
Marine Area 6 - Discovery Bay Shrimp District
Waters south of a line from McCurdy Point on the Quimper Peninsula to the northern tip of Protection Island then from the western end of Protection Island to Rocky Point on the Miller Peninsula and all the waters of Discovery Bay.
Note: all fishing gear must be removed from the water by one hour after sunset on the last day of any fishing period.
Marine Area 7 - South - Iceberg Point, Point Colville, Biz Point, Salmon Bank
All-shrimp season: Closed.
Season/Open Days and Times:
Was open on May 16 - 18, May 30 - June 1, and June 13 - 15. During May 30 - June 1 and June 13 - 15 openings, only the Iceberg Point section was open for spot shrimp (the green portion in the map below).

Non-spot shrimp only season: Closed.
A non-spot shrimp only season is not planned for this area.
Note: All fishing gear must be removed from the water by one hour after sunset on the last day of any fishing period.
Marine Area 7 - East - northern Rosario Strait, Bellingham Bay, Sucia and Matia Islands, Strait of Georgia
All-shrimp season: Closed.
Season/Open Days and Times:
Was open on May 16 - 18 and May 30 through June 1. Closed for the year.
Non-spot shrimp only season: Closed.
Was open for non-spot shrimp only from June 7 through Oct.15. 1/2 inch mesh pots were allowed and a maximum fishing depth restriction of 200 feet was in effect. During that time all spot shrimp must be released immediately unharmed.
Marine Area 7 - West - San Juan Channel, Spieden Channel, Stuart and Waldron Islands
All-shrimp season: Closed.
Season/Open Days and Times:
Was open on May 16 - 18, May 30 - June 1, June 13 - 15, and June 28 - 30. Daylight hours only. The originally announced opening scheduled for July 12 - 15 has been cancelled due to the recreational target being reached. Closed for the year.
Non-spot shrimp only season: Closed.
A non-spot shrimp only season is not planned for this area.
Note: All fishing gear must be removed from the water by one hour after sunset on the last day of any fishing period.
Marine Area 8-1 - Saratoga Passage, Deception Pass
All-shrimp season: Closed.
Was open on May 16 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. only, May 30 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. only, June 13 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. only, and on July 10 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. only.
Non-spot shrimp only season: Closed.
Was opened on July 11 and remained open daily through October 15. 1/2 inch mesh pots was allowed and a maximum fishing depth restriction of 175 feet was in effect. During that time all spot shrimp must be released immediately unharmed.
Marine Area 8-2 - Port Susan, Port Gardner, Everett
All-shrimp season: Closed.
Was open on May 16 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. only, May 30 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. only, June 13 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. only, and on July 10 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. only. Divers were allowed to take shrimp by hand or hand-held device from 7:00 p.m. until midnight on open days in Marine Area 8-2.
Non-spot shrimp only season: Closed.
Was opened on July 11 and then remained open daily through October 15. 1/2 inch mesh pots were allowed and a maximum fishing depth restriction of 175 feet was in effect. During that time all spot shrimp must be released immediately unharmed.
Marine Area 9 - Edmonds, Port Townsend Bay, Admiralty Inlet
All-shrimp season: Closed.
Was open on May 16 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. only and on June 13 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. only. Closed for the year.
Non-spot shrimp only season: Closed.
Was open daily through October 15. 1/2 inch mesh pots were allowed and a maximum fishing depth restriction of 150 feet was in effect. During that time all spot shrimp must be released immediately unharmed.
Marine Area 10 - Elliott Bay
All-shrimp season: Closed.
Season/Open Days and Times:
Was open on May 16 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. only, on June 13 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. only, and on July 10 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. only.
Non-spot shrimp only season: Closed.
A non-spot shrimp only season is not planned for this area.
Marine Area 10 - Outside Elliott Bay
All-shrimp season: Closed.
Season/Open Days and Times:
Was open on May 16 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. only and on June 13 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. only. Closed for the year.
Non-spot shrimp only season: Closed.
A non-spot shrimp only season is not planned for this area.
Marine Area 11 - Tacoma-Vashon Island
All-shrimp season: Closed.
Season/Open Days and Times:
Was open on May 16 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. only. Closed for the year.
Non-spot shrimp-only season: Closed.
Was open daily from June 1 through October 15. 1/2 inch mesh pots were allowed and a maximum fishing depth restriction of 150 feet was in effect. During that time all spot shrimp must be released immediately unharmed.
Marine Area 12 - Hood Canal
All-shrimp season: Closed.
Season/Open Days and Times:
Was open on May 17, May 18, May 30, June 15, and June 28 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. only. Closed for the year.
Shrimpers are encouraged to confirm the status and fee structure for the boat launch at Skokomish Park at Potlatch/Saltwater Park before planning to use the facility. For information you may call 360-877-9422.
Non-spot shrimp only season: Closed.
A non-spot shrimp only season is not planned for this area.
Marine Area 13 - South Puget Sound, Carr Inlet
All-shrimp season: Closed.
Season/Open Days and Times:
Will remain closed until further notice due to concerns over spot shrimp abundance.
Non-spot shrimp only season: Closed.
Was open daily from June 1 through October 15. 1/2 inch mesh pots were allowed and a maximum fishing depth restriction of 200 feet was in effect. During that time all spot shrimp must be released immediately unharmed.