Hunt-reporting system now available


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News release

Ron McQueen, (360) 902-2204

OLYMPIA—The automated harvest-reporting system for hunters is now up and running, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) officials announced today.

Deployment of the automated hunt-reporting tool, originally scheduled for Oct. 1, has been completed as part of the department's new automated recreational licensing system, said Frank Hawley, WDFW licensing manager.

Hunters can file their harvest reports either on the Internet at or by toll-free telephone at 1-877-945-3492.

All hunters with deer, elk, bear or turkey tags are required to report their hunting activity by Jan. 31 to avoid a $10 fine. Reports must be filed even if the hunter was unsuccessful or chose not to hunt. Reports are used to monitor wildlife populations and set future hunting seasons.

Usually, hunters who report within 10 days of harvesting an animal—and unsuccessful hunters who report by Jan. 10—are eligible for a drawing for one of nine special deer or elk permits. This year, that 10-day period begins today, when the automated reporting system became available to the public, Hawley said.

The automated recreational licensing system was developed for WDFW by Outdoor Central, a subsidiary of Central Trust Bank of Jefferson City, Mo.

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