WDFW-managed lands

Sunbeams streaking through the sky and dark clouds over shrubsteppe.
Photo by WDFW
Sunrise at the L.T. Murray Wildlife Area

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) provides active management for more than 1 million acres of publicly owned land and about 475 water access areas throughout the state. Our vision is a Washington where fish and wildlife thrive in healthy habitats, and where people experience and enjoy our state's natural gifts for generations to come.

By actively managing lands, restoring habitats, and preserving wild places, the department serves as stewards for Washington's natural places, protecting the state's land and water for its human and wildlife populations.

In addition to acquiring land for wildlife and their habitat, WDFW purchases lands in an effort to preserve Washington's natural and cultural heritage, provide access for hunting, fishing, and wildlife-related recreation, and foster outdoor experiences and exploration throughout the state. We do this to support the species and habitats of Washington and ensure they prosper for our collective enjoyment well into the future.

We welcome you to explore your fish and wildlife lands and waters, learn about our stewardship efforts, get engaged in planning and stewarding with us, and make memories at these magnificent places.

Report a problem: Please report any issues you experience while visiting WDFW-managed lands. Submit a report online or call 360-902-2515.