Commission votes on shoreline armoring rule making; hears updates on Washington Predator-Prey Project, potential land acquisitions, and more

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News release Dec. 12, 2022

Commission office, 360-902-2267

OLYMPIA – The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission met over three days to hold committee meetings, discuss shoreline armoring rule making, potential future land acquisitions, beaver management, and hear updates on several other topics.

On Thursday, Dec. 8, the Commission’s Habitat, Wildlife, and Fish committees met. Committee members heard updates on livestock grazing in Washington, efforts to move forward on updating the Waterfowl and Migratory Gamebirds Management Plan and other chapters of the overall Game Management Plan, the Coastal Steelhead Proviso Implementation Plan, and more.

On Friday, Dec. 9, the full Commission voted to approve shoreline armoring rule making that requires anyone desiring to replace residential marine shoreline stabilization or armoring to use the least impactful, technically feasible bank protection alternative to protect fish.

Commissioners also voted to endorse the Coastal Steelhead Proviso Implementation Plan that lays an adaptive groundwork for steelhead fishery management in the river systems of Grays Harbor, Willapa Bay, and the coastal Olympic Peninsula.

The Commission received briefings on the Lands 20/20 process and statewide properties being considered for acquisition by the Department. Other briefings included how beavers are managed in Washington and preliminary findings from the Washington Predator-Prey Project, presented by University of Washington Ph.D. students.

On Saturday, Commissioners heard the annual Columbia River Fishery Salmon Management (C-3630) report that guides management of Columbia River non-Tribal fisheries.

The meeting was recorded so members of the public who missed it can watch at their convenience. The recording, as well as information about past and future Commission meetings and ways to participate, can be found at WDFW’s website.

The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission is a panel appointed by the governor that sets policy for the WDFW. WDFW works to preserve, protect and perpetuate fish, wildlife and ecosystems while providing sustainable fish and wildlife recreational and commercial opportunities.

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