WDFW seeks public input on 2025 ocean salmon fishery proposals

News release March 11, 2025

Contact: Fish Program, 360-902-2700
Media contact: Kelly Hall, 360-742-1820

VANCOUVER – Fishery managers have developed options for Washington’s ocean salmon fisheries. These options reflect higher numbers than 2024 for hatchery Chinook and coho forecasted to return to the Columbia River, while also considering conservation needs for natural-origin stocks. 

The Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC), which brings tribal, federal, and state entities together to establish fishing seasons in ocean waters three to 200 nautical miles off the Pacific Coast, approved three options for ocean salmon fisheries for public review. These ocean options will help inform other Washington salmon fisheries as the season-setting process continues through April.

“With the range of ocean fishery options set, Washington state fishery managers can start working on interior Puget Sound salmon fisheries,” said Kelly Cunningham, WDFW Fish Program director. “We invite the public to join us and share input at the upcoming North of Falcon meeting in Olympia on March 19, when we’ll present management objectives and proposed fishery plans for Puget Sound.” 

The options for 2025 include the following coho quotas and Chinook guidelines for recreational fisheries off the Washington coast:

Option one: 122,500 Chinook and 120,000 marked coho.

  • Neah Bay (Marine Area 4): Open seven days per week from June 21, either through Sept. 30, or 10,480 marked coho subarea quota is met with a subarea guideline of 14,330 Chinook. No Chinook retention east of the Bonilla-Tatoosh line beginning Aug. 1.
  • La Push (Marine Area 3): Open seven days per week from June 21, either through Sept. 30, or 2,620 marked coho subarea quota is met with a subarea guideline of 2,400 Chinook.
  • Westport-Ocean Shores (Marine Area 2): Open seven days per week from June 21, either through Sept. 30, or 37,300 marked coho subarea quota is met with a subarea guideline of 23,940 Chinook.
  • Ilwaco (Marine Area 1): Open seven days per week from June 21, either through Sept. 30, or 50,400 marked coho subarea quota is met with a subarea guideline of 18,330 Chinook. 

All option one seasons include a short period of coho non-retention in June. 

Option two: 112,500 Chinook and 115,000 marked coho.

  • Neah Bay (Marine Area 4): Open seven days per week from June 28, either through Sept. 30, or 10,050 marked coho subarea quota is met with a subarea guideline of 13,360 Chinook. No Chinook retention east of the Bonilla-Tatoosh line beginning Aug. 1.
  • La Push (Marine Area 3): Open seven days per week from June 28, either through Sept. 14, or 2,510 marked coho subarea quota is met with a subarea guideline of 2,230 Chinook.
  • Westport-Ocean Shores (Marine Area 2): Open seven days per week from June 28 either through Aug. 2, or 35,740 marked coho subarea quota is met with a subarea guideline of 22,320 Chinook. Beginning Aug. 3 through Sept. 28, open five days per week (Sunday-Thursday) or until the quotas and guidelines are met.
  • Ilwaco (Marine Area 1): Open seven days per week from June 25, either through Sept. 30, or 48,300 marked coho subarea quota is met with a subarea guideline of 17,090 Chinook. 

Option three: 92,500 Chinook and 85,000 marked coho.

  • Neah Bay (Marine Area 4): Open seven days per week from June 28, either through Sept. 8, or 7,420 marked coho subarea quota is met with a subarea guideline of 11,230 Chinook. No Chinook retention east of the Bonilla-Tatoosh line beginning Aug. 1.
  • La Push (Marine Area 3): Open seven days per week from June 28, either through Sept. 8, or 1,860 marked coho subarea quota is met with a subarea guideline of 1,880 Chinook.
  • Westport-Ocean Shores (Marine Area 2): Open five days per week (Sunday-Thursday) from June 29, either through July 24, or 26,420 marked coho subarea quota is met with a subarea guideline of 18,770 Chinook. Beginning July 25 through Sept. 21, open seven days per week or until the quotas and guidelines are met.
  • Ilwaco (Marine Area 1): Open seven days per week from June 28, either through Sept. 15, or 35,700 marked coho subarea quota is met with a subarea guideline of 14,370 Chinook. 

Buoy 10 (located near the mouth of the Lower Columbia River)The expected landed catch of marked coho ranges from 20,000 to 30,000 under these options.

Under these scenarios, fishery managers will monitor the number of salmon recreational anglers catch and may close areas earlier than the above dates if quotas are met. For more details about the options, refer to the PFMC March council meeting webpage.

Coho quotas and Chinook guidelines and seasons that the PFMC approved will be part of a comprehensive 2025 salmon-fishing package, which includes marine and freshwater fisheries throughout Washington. State and tribal co-managers will complete the tentative 2025 salmon fisheries seasons in conjunction with PFMC during its April 10-15 meeting in San Jose, California. 

WDFW’s North of Falcon No. 1 meeting is Wednesday, March 19 at 9 a.m., at the Office Building 2 Auditorium, 1115 Washington Street S.E. in Olympia. This meeting is hybrid, and pre-registration is required to attend virtually. 

In addition to attending meetings throughout the state, the public can participate in the NOF process by:

  • Submitting online comments on potential fisheries at WDFW’s North of Falcon public input webpage. Additional comment opportunities on specific seasons and fisheries will be available as forecasts and proposed season summaries are available.
  • Attending virtual meetings and daily briefings with state fishery managers in the second PFMC meeting in San Jose, California during the final days of negotiations. Meeting information will be available on the North of Falcon public meeting schedule

Fishery managers use public feedback on these options to negotiate a final season among states and tribes represented at PFMC. WDFW listens closely to the input of anglers statewide and attempts to find solutions that best serve the wide array of interested participants. 

For a full timeline of the WDFW public meetings with opportunities to participate and provide feedback, visit the North of Falcon overview page. Follow the 2025–2026 salmon season-setting process on the Salmon Fishing Current blog, updated regularly throughout the season.

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife works to preserve, protect, and perpetuate fish, wildlife and ecosystems while providing sustainable fish and wildlife recreational and commercial opportunities.

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