Commercial sea urchin fishery

Commercial harvest has been closed in all areas to conclude the 2023-23 season.

WDFW-managed state sea urchin quota shares and preliminary landings for the 2023-2024 season:

Green urchins

Sea Urchin Harvest Area2023-24 State Share (pounds)Preliminary Landings (pounds)
District 1 (San Juan Island Area)150,00069,139 (CLOSED)
District 2 (Admiralty Area)40,00036,642 (CLOSED)
District 3 & 4 (Strait Area, excluding Neah Bay)50,00049,497 (CLOSED)
District 5 (Neah Bay Area)CLOSEDCLOSED
Districts 6 & 7 (South/Central Puget Sound Area)22,91021,171 (CLOSED)

Red urchins

Sea Urchin Harvest Area2023-24 State Share (pounds)Preliminary Landings (pounds)
District 1 (San Juan Island Area)71,00070,652 (CLOSED)
District 2 (Admiralty Area)13,00011,250 (CLOSED)
District 3 (Port Angeles Area)66,44466,250 (CLOSED)
District 4 (Sekiu Area)45,92145,750 (CLOSED)
District 5 (Neah Bay Area)CLOSEDCLOSED


  The following section of the Washington Administrative Code is repealed, effective immediately:

  WAC 220-340-75000G  Commercial sea urchin fisheries.  (24-37)

Sea urchin harvest districts

Closed areas pertain to the commercial sea urchin fishery. In addition, see permanent WACs 220-302 and 220-303 for more information on Marine Preserves and Conservation Area closures. Legal descriptions of commercial sea urchin harvest districts are found in WAC 220-340-750: Sea Urchins. Legal descriptions of commercial sea urchin catch reporting areas can be found in WAC 220-301-040: Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Areas within Puget Sound.

Permanent WACs