The Chesaw Unit offers a variety of recreation opportunities. Hunting opportunities are varied, and one may fish for resident trout in Mary Ann Creek. Pack-in style camping, hiking, biking, and horseback riding are enjoyed here. The major habitat type is shrubsteppe (home to Columbian sharp-tailed grouse, a state-listed endangered species), with patches of conifers at higher elevations. Deer can be viewed year round in the open rolling hills with eagles and hawks soaring high above, and in winter, upland birds and waterfowl can be seen in the riparian areas and beaver ponds. Numerous songbirds can be heard and seen in the spring.
The Chesaw Unit is located about 14.5 miles east of Oroville, 0.5 mile south of the U.S.-Canada border, in Okanogan County. The unit can be accessed from county roads east of Oroville, including Mary Ann Creek, Byers, and Bolster roads.
The Chesaw Unit is located in the Kettle River Watershed in the Columbia River Basin. The Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest lies just east of the unit. Local land use includes: logging, cattle grazing, recreation.
This unit is part of the Scotch Creek Wildlife Area.
Game Management Unit: 204
Getting there
Maps and directions to WDFW-managed access points for this unit. Opens Google Maps in a new tab.
Recreation and public access
A Discover Pass is required on WDFW lands -- including water access areas, wildlife areas, and campgrounds -- unless you already have a Vehicle Access Pass issued with the purchase of an eligible hunting or fishing license. Recreate responsibly on public lands: please know the Public Conduct Rules.
Public facility information:
- Developed parking on Byers Road and Mary Ann Creek Road
- Reader board
Recreation and access advisories
- Motorized activities are prohibited
- Walk-in access only
Primary hunting opportunities on this unit include white-tailed deer, mule deer, ruffed grouse, and elk.
Hunting advisories
- All lands in Washington are CLOSED to the taking of sharp-tailed grouse, including all Scotch Creek Wildlife Area units. WDFW is very concerned with the accidental take of this protected species. Know your target before pulling the trigger.
The canyon area of Nine Mile Creek is open for fishing where resident trout are present.
Fishing advisories
- Access to Nine Mile Creek is difficult due to private lands on both sides of Eder road, which does not access the wildlife area past the entry cattle guard.
Wildlife viewing
This unit includes shrubsteppe, conifer patches, lakes, ponds, creeks, springs, and riparian habitat, offering opportunities to view a variety of wildlife, beaver, black bear, mule and white-tailed deer, cougar, peregrine and prairie falcon, northern goshawk, dusky and ruffed grouse, loggerhead shrike, and Lewis's woodpecker.
Search for potential birding opportunities on or near a wildlife area unit by using eBird Northwest, a citizen science database portal that provides freely-shared bird lists at 'hotspots' and interactive maps plus other birding information updated daily.
Wildlife viewing advisories
- Columbian sharp-tailed grouse (a state-listed endangered species) occur on this unit and are sensitive to human disturbance. Do not flush or otherwise disturb these birds.
Other recreational opportunities
This unit offers opportunities for hiking, biking, horseback riding, and nature photography. Non-motorized recreational activities are allowed but there are no developed trail systems.
Farm roads and logging roads, which are closed to motorized vehicles, offer the only "trail" system on this unit. Access points to the wildlife area are through gates located off Mary Ann Creek Road and Byers Road.
The major habitat type is shrubsteppe, with patches of conifers at higher elevations. Mary Ann Creek is a perennial stream that flows through in a southerly direction, with many active and remnant beaver dams. The creek's flood plain is fairly wide in some areas and riparian vegetation flourishes there and along the stream channel. There are several lakes and man-made ponds, and one of the larger of the unit's several springs is used as the source of potable water.
Conservation goals
- Implement the Forest Management Plan which identifies current forest habitats, conditions, and future management needs
- See WDFW's Forest Health Story Map for more information about work happening on the unit.
- Recover sharp-tailed grouse populations in the wildlife area to healthy, self-sustaining levels
Land stewardship
The Chesaw Unit was purchased primarily for Columbian sharp-tailed grouse conservation.
Acquisition history
The parcels making up this area were purchased between 1991 and 2024.
Funder | Fund |
Bonneville Power Administration | Mitigation Funds |
WA Recreation and Conservation Office | Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program |
Management planning
2017 Scotch Creek and Sinlahekin Wildlife Areas Management Plan
In 2017, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife updated the management plan for the Scotch Creek Wildlife Area, which encompasses 23, 980 acres in Okanogan County, and the nearby Sinlahekin Wildlife Area in north central Washington. The plan, called the Scotch Creek & Sinlahekin Wildlife Area Management Plan, addresses the status of wildlife species and their habitat, ongoing restoration efforts and public recreation opportunities at both Scotch Creek and Sinlahekin wildlife areas. Every eight to 10 years, WDFW revises management plans for each of its 33 wildlife areas to document current conditions, address new agency initiatives, and identify new management priorities and actions. In between those major revisions, WDFW updates plans every two years to outline short-term objectives and accomplishments.
Planning Advisory Committee
Okanogan Valley Wildlife Area Advisory Committee