Published: August 2000
Pages: 21
Publication number: FPT 00-27
Author(s): Marc Divens and Larry Phillips
Worth Lake (Franklin County) was surveyed by a three person assessment team September 21 - 22, 1998. Fish were captured using boat electrofishing, gill netting and fyke netting. Largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), yellow perch (Perca flavescens), common carp (Cyprinus carpio), and sculpin (Cottus spp.) were captured. Largemouth bass comprised the highest proportion of the catch by number. Common carp were the most abundant by weight. A high density largemouth bass population, as indicated by catch per unit effort, showed above average growth and condition. Few yellow perch were captured limiting the interpretation of population indices for the species. Sculpin, which were collected in high numbers, may be an important prey item for largemouth bass in Worth Lake considering the low abundance of yellow perch and the absence of other panfishes. Common carp do not appear to be negatively affecting the largemouth bass population at the time of this survey, but should be monitored.. Management options include evaluating the feasibility of constructing a barrier to prevent the immigration of unwanted species, removing carp using electrofishing and netting, and imposing a slot-limit on largemouth bass.