Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife 2009-2015 Strategic Plan

This document is provided for archival purposes only. Archived documents do not reflect current WDFW regulations or policy and may contain factual inaccuracies.


Published: June 13, 2008

Pages: 42


The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is dedicated to preserving, protecting, perpetuating and managing the state’s fish and wildlife resources. We do this by applying an underlying conservation ethic to our work while providing commercial and recreational opportunities that result in economic benefits to local communities and the citizens of Washington state. Our much-treasured quality of life in the Pacific Northwest depends on healthy and thriving fish and wildlife populations. As the steward of these resources, WDFW is committed to continue building a solid and sustainable foundation that supports both resource and human needs now and in the future. To fulfill this commitment and achieve our mission, WDFW will continue to:

  • Identify, seek funding and fix ailing facilities and infrastructure.
  • Focus on developing partnerships with other agencies and organizations, tribes and citizens that make us effective and efficient.
  • Educate youth and adults to foster a stewardship ethic toward fish and wildlife.
  • Seek policy support and stable funding to manage the increased demands placed on fish and wildlife resources in the state.

To help achieve these goals in increasingly challenging times, the department has undergone several administrative changes. The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission is providing more oversight and playing a key role in setting department policy and direction.

WDFW’s executive leadership team has also expanded from a one-deputy to a two-deputy structure to sharpen responsibilities and promote the changes that are necessary to increase the effectiveness of the department. The new positions, which report to the director, include the deputy director of Resource Policy and the deputy director of Operations. As members of the leadership team, they are accountable for department performance at all levels.