This document is provided for archival purposes only. Archived documents do not reflect current WDFW regulations or policy and may contain factual inaccuracies.
Published: August 2011
Pages: 31
WDFW's strategic plan is built on a hierarchy of increasing detail, from long-term Goals and Objectives to shorter-term Strategies and Projects that implement those goals. The plan documents the Department's mission, priorities and commitment to our long-term goals, which help to guide decisions and focus Department efforts to achieve desired results.
The plan was developed by Department leaders, with guidance from the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission and feedback and suggestions from customers, stakeholders and WDFW employees. In accordance with this guidance, the Department applied the following principles in pursuing its strategic goals and managing toward long-term results:
- Conserve and restore biodiversity - Conservation of species and effective stewardship of public lands are essential in managing Washington's fish, wildlife and habitat resources. Enforcing rules and increasing voluntary compliance are critical core functions.
- Ensure the health of our ecosystems - Manage at the ecosystem level, integrating multiple factors into management plans to reflect the interconnectedness and interactions within and among systems. Strengthen the scientific basis for decisions.
- Ensure sustainable social and economic utilization of Washington's fish, wildlife and habitat natural resources - When allowing use for current public benefit and enhancing recreational opportunities, ensure consistency with our primary conservation focus. Emphasize collaboration with landowners.
- Earn public and staff trust and confidence - Improve and maintain sound business systems, management practices and effective communications. In allocating services, rank resource importance and revenue impacts to the Department. Strengthen and modernize communications and public education efforts. Build relationships with non-traditional Department constituents.
This plan was developed in the midst of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. WDFW's capacity was significantly reduced as the result of a 35 percent cut in state General Fund support during the 2009-2011 Biennium, coupled with reductions in funding from other sources. The General Fund revenue forecast for the 2011-13 Biennium was revised downwards for the fourth consecutive time. In an effort to decrease WDFW's vulnerability to future reductions, the Department continues to be responsiveness to variations in General Fund support, while expanding our funding base from other sources.
Progress in implementing this strategic plan will be reviewed regularly during executive management meetings and specially scheduled internal performance reviews. Progress on projects and priorities will be communicated through staff messages and the Department's website.
Draft documents
Draft documents are provided for informational purposes only. Drafts may contain factual inaccuracies and may not reflect current WDFW policy.