This report summarizes the status and recent recovery actions for the 46 endangered, threatened and sensitive wildlife species in Washington, with an emphasis on activities occurring in 2012. It also includes accounts for 26 of the 113 species that are candidates for state-listing as endangered, threatened or sensitive.
Species accounts include background information about the species in Washington, including biology and threats, as well as recent conservation activities such as monitoring, management and research. The state lists of endangered, threatened, sensitive and candidate species are found on pages 6-8.
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife conducts many conservation activities described in this report. However, conserving the wildlife of Washington is an immense job which the Department cannot do alone. Numerous partners and cooperating agencies, tribes, organizations, zoos, companies, and landowners contributed time, money and effort into conservation activities and are identified in the species accounts. Wildlife conservation also benefits from the many people, too numerous to list, that volunteer their time, lands and efforts to conserve wildlife habitat and recover listed species.
Suggested citation
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. 2013. Threatened and Endangered Wildlife in Washington: 2012 Annual Report. Listing and Recovery Section, Wildlife Program, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Olympia. 251 pp.