Sage-Grouse in Washington (Brochure)


Published: June 2015

Pages: 2

Author(s): Derek Stinson


Sage-Grouse In Washington

Washington is one of 11 western states with populations of greater sage-grouse, all of which have declined due to habitat loss in recent decades. Once common throughout the shrub-steppe areas of eastern Washington, the species now occupies about 8 percent of its historical range.

Only about 900 sage-grouse remain in Washington. Th e largest populations are in Douglas County and on Yakima Training Center. Very small populations of reintroduced grouse exist in Lincoln County and in the vicinity of the Yakama Reservation.

Sage-grouse were added to Washington's threatened species list in 1998 and are now being considered for listing under the federal Endangered Species Act. Since 70 percent of the state's current sage-grouse population occupies private property in the Columbia Basin of Washington, the future of the species depends on the continued stewardship of those working lands.