Washington Department of Fish and Washington: 2015-17 Strategic Plan

This document is provided for archival purposes only. Archived documents do not reflect current WDFW regulations or policy and may contain factual inaccuracies.


Published: November 2015

Pages: 12


The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife is the state’s principal steward of fi sh and wildlife resources. State law directs the Department to conserve native fish and wildlife and their habitat, while also supporting sustainable fishing, hunting and other outdoor opportunities for millions of Washington residents and visitors. Hunting, fishing and wildlife-watching opportunities managed by the Department contribute to the State’s outdoor recreation culture, which generates $22 billion in economic activity each year and almost 200,000 jobs across the state.

State law established the Department as the steward for the State’s fi sh and wildlife, and this strategic plan highlights the Department’s key initiatives for Fiscal Years 2015-17. In pursuit of these initiatives, the Department will apply the following conservation principlesâ€" both internally across programs and externally in cooperation with other governments, organizations, and citizens â€" to better maintain healthy ecosystems for the benefit of all species and Washingtonians

Principle 1 â€" Practice conservation by managing, protecting and restoring ecosystems for the longterm benefit of people and for fish, wildlife and their habitat.

Principle 2 - Be more effective when managing fish, wildlife and their habitats by supporting healthy ecosystems.

Principle 3 - Work across disciplines to solve problems because of the connections among organisms, species and habitats. •

Principle 4 - Integrate ecological, social, and institutional perspectives into decision-making. •

Principle 5 - Embrace new knowledge and apply best science to address changing conditions through adaptive management.

Principle 6 - Collaborate with conservation and community partners to achieve shared goals.