ESRP Regional Pre-Design Projects

Applications for the 2024 ESRP Regional Pre-Design Project grants are now closed.

What are regional pre-design projects?

The Estuary and Salmon Restoration Program (ESRP) Regional Pre-Design Projects are key investments that inform our ESRP Learning Program. These investments directly inform restoration projects that are part of large and complex ecosystems, and are intended to improve effectiveness or efficiency of a class of projects where there is uncertainty about ecological outcomes. This component of ESRP's investment strategy aims to clearly identify the needs/problems to be addressed that will influence restoration and protection project development and selection in Puget Sound.

Selected projects will provide insight and analysis into the options available to solve complex problems leading to nearshore and salmon recovery in Puget Sound. It is our goal to fund efforts that use scientific methods to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of future ESRP program investments.

ESRP's Regional Pre-Design Projects are required by our authorizing program guidance, developed by the Puget Sound Nearshore and Ecosystem Restoration Project.

Strong Regional Pre-Design Projects improve our ability to select treatment locations and management measures, and help designers evaluate the consequences of alternative actions. We organize our projects by landform to consider the unique dynamics of deltabeach, and embayment ecosystems. 

For more details on previously funded projects, download the 2023-2025 Final Investment Plan (PDF).

For those applying for the ESRP Regional Pre-Design Grant Program, see the Request for Proposals document (PDF) and the new 2024 grant calendar below. 

Regional Pre-Design Projects Application Schedule

2025-2027 Grant Round

RFP publishedDec. 7, 2023Learning Program Request for Proposals (PDF) released.
Grant competition informational webinarNov. 28, 2023 9:00 A.M. to noonInformational Webinar for Restoration and Protection, Learning (Pre-Design) and Small Grants Programs. Watch the recording.
Pre-proposals due

Feb. 8, 2024

11:59 P.M.

Pre-proposal submitted through PRISM online.
Pre-proposal review complete; invitation to submit full proposalApril 4, 2024And ad-hoc science team will review, evaluate, and provide feedback to applicants. Pre-proposal review complete; applicants invited to submit Full Proposals to Learning Program.
Presentations to review team for invited full proposalsMay 6-7, 2024Full proposal applicants will give presentations to the review team.
Final applications due in PRISM

June 13, 2024

11:59 P.M.

Applicants invited to submit full proposals will submit according to materials provided once selected.
2025-27 ESRP Preliminary Investment Plan releasedOct. 1, 2024Preliminary ranked project list and funding recommendations published and submitted to OFM. Ranked list submitted Governor in December.
Final investment planSpring 2025Determined by WA Legislature.
Anticipated contract startJuly 1, 2025First day of Fiscal Year 2025.
Anticipated grant periodJuly 1, 2025 – June 30, 2027Biennium