The 2021 Nearshore Restoration Summit was a great success! We are humbled and inspired by the incredible expertise and perspectives represented by this cross-disciplinary effort.
Presentations were recorded and are available to watch on WDFW's YouTube channel. Please refer to the summit program (PDF) to find direct links for each presentation.
From March 10-25, 2021, we had about 80 speakers representing over 50 institutions and over 500 registrants. Attendance for each day fluctuated between approximately 150 and 250 people listening to presentations and taking part in discussions focused on Puget Sound beach, delta, and embayment shore forms.
Summit goal
Led by the Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program (PSEMP) Nearshore Work Group and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife’s (WDFW) Estuary and Salmon and Restoration Program (ESRP), our goal is to connect restoration scientists and practitioners to synthesize nearshore science and restoration actions in Puget Sound to create a durable roadmap that updates restoration conceptual models and identifies key uncertainties for future research and management to address.
Specific summit objectives
- Synthesize biophysical and social science research informing nearshore restoration in Puget Sound
- Synthesize nearshore restoration work in Puget Sound
- Identify the most important science and restoration management questions that will guide actions that improve nearshore ecosystem condition
- Update the Puget Sound Nearshore Ecosystem Restoration Project (PSNERP) conceptual models for the ecosystem responses of specific restoration actions and best practices to incorporate new research (Clancy et al. 2009 (PDF)).
- Develop and/or incorporate social science principles including Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) into conceptual models for nearshore restoration.
Tish Conway-Cranos (WDFW):
Jason Toft (UW):
Jay Krienitz (WDFW):