Whitespotted greenling (Hexagrammos stelleri)

Category: Fish
Related species groups: Greenling

Rarely caught by recreational harvesters within Puget Sound and are uncommon in coastal waters.

Description and Range

Physical description

The body of the whitespotted greenling is light brownish green, often tinged with red, and has dark bars or blotches. This species also has conspicuous white spots on the body and head. It has five lateral lines, but the fourth one is very short. The first lateral line is also short, inconspicuous, and ends before the middle of the dorsal fin. This greenling has a cirrus above the eyes and fins with dark streaks or rows of blotches and a yellowish anal fin.

Whitespotted greenling can grow up to 48 cm (19 in) in length, and 1,600 g (3.53 lbs) in weight.

Geographic range

The whitespotted greenling ranges from Japan to Puget Sound, Washington. They are found inshore, near rocks and pilings and within eelgrass beds. They range in depth from the intertidal to 175 m (574 ft).

State record

0.69 lbs
Justin Fussell
Camano Island, Marine Area 8-2, Island County
Date Caught
October 12, 2023

See all sportfish records