Blue shark (Prionace glauca)

Category: Fish
Related species groups: Sharks, skates, and ratfish

Caught incidentally in the commercial fishery off the outer Washington coast with trawl nets, troll gear, longline, and jig handline gear. Regularly caught by recreational fishers, especially those targeting albacore tuna, off the Washington coast. Exceptionally rare east of Neah Bay (i.e., inside the Salish Sea).

Females gestate pups between 9 and 12 months and give birth in the late spring and summer. Females mate with more than one male, meaning that one litter may have more than one father. Litter size is between 4 and 135 pups, each being between 34-53 cm (13-21 in) in length!

Description and Range

Physical description

The blue shark has an elongate body with long pectoral fins. Individuals are a deep blue color on the top, lighter blue on the sides, and white on the belly in a classic example of countershading. This is a distinct looking species of shark due to its slender body, small first dorsal fin, and long snout. The blue shark can swim nearly 25 mph, allowing it to catch up with its prey and utilize its distinctly moon shaped upper teeth and spiked lower teeth.

Blue sharks can grow up to at least 383 cm (13 ft) in length, and 240 kg (528 lbs) in weight. Males average between 182-282 cm (6.0-9.3 ft) in length, and females are larger, averaging between 220 and 330 cm (7.2-10.8 ft) in length. Female weight varies greatly with reproductive stage due to large litter size. Maximum age is least 20 years old. In the North Pacific males mature around 4-6 years old and females around 5-7 years old.

Geographic range

The blue shark is circumglobal and is found in both tropical and temperate waters. This species is found off of every continent except Antarctica and is among the most wide-ranging shark species. In the North Pacific, they are present in greatest abundance between 20°N and 50°N with changes in seasonal abundance due to seasonal migrations. They prefer water temperatures between 54-68 °F, but have been found in waters with temperatures ranging from 45-77 °F. Blue sharks are found at the surface to a depth of at least 350 m (1,150 ft). The diet of the blue shark mostly consists of fishes and squids, and also euphausiids, pelagic red crabs, shrimp, and pelagic octopuses. Feeding mostly occurs at night.

State record

64.00 lbs
Marcus Totemeier
Pacific Ocean, Grays Harbor County
Date Caught
July 27, 2018

See all sportfish records