Swifts Night Out

Saturday, 4:30 - 9:30 p.m., Sept. 7, 2024
Monroe, Snohomish County
In person, hybrid, virtual
Wheelchair accessible
On public transit route

Visit the event website for more information: Swifts Night Out

Another year, another migration, and another Swifts Night Out! On September 7th, celebrate the magnificent migration of Vaux’s Swifts and watch hundreds of them come to roost in the chimney of the Wagner Center. 

From 4:30pm until dusk, nature lovers, community groups, families, and anyone with an interest in the spectacular can enjoy an evening on the lawn to watch the Vaux’s Swifts (also known as chimney swifts) descend into their evening chimney roost at the school. While waiting for the swifts to appear around sunset, there will be children’s activities, vendor booths, and a presentation available in the Wagner Center Auditorium.

The chimney is a critical migratory stopover for the swifts, hosting more than 20,000 swifts on its busiest nights. As a result, the chimney is designated as a globally Important Bird Area and the Vaux’s Swift is the official bird of Monroe (PDF)

This event is free to the public.

Close up of a Vaux's swift in flight -- lighter underside is viewable
Photo by Jamie Chavez - Creative Commons License 2.0

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