Vancouver Wildlife League Youth Pheasant Hunt

Saturday, 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m., Sept. 14, 2024
Vancouver, Clark County
In person, hybrid, virtual
Wheelchair accessible
On public transit route

Youth in Clark County will once again have the special opportunity to hunt pheasants this month thanks to an ongoing partnership between the Vancouver Wildlife League (VWL) and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW).

On Saturday, Sept. 14 and Sunday, Sept. 15, volunteers from VWL, with support from WDFW’s hunter education program, will host their annual youth pheasant hunt. The event will be held at two locations on WDFW’s Shillapoo Wildlife Area near Vancouver:

Advance registration is not required. Youth up to 15 can sign up for the day’s hunt by arriving at either location between 7:30 and 8:00 a.m. A firearms safety discussion will take place before hunters head into the field, with hunting allowed only after 8 a.m. each day. Youth hunters without dogs will be paired with VWL volunteers who have hunting dogs. VWL will provide a lunch for all youth hunters.

For additional information, including Hunter Education requirements, regulations, and more, visit our news release.

Youth pheasant hunt
Photo by Curt Lavender

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Due to the nature of audio recording that is a necessary part of videography, WDFW cannot warrant that outside/ambient audio from other individuals won’t be captured and released as part of said videography. All parties attending such an event consent to WDFW using such outside/ambient audio recording as part of any videography process.