
The Naselle Hatchery, located east of Willapa Bay along the Naselle River, raises fall-run Chinook salmon, coho salmon, and chum salmon, as well as steelhead. The original hatchery was constructed in 1979 and includes trapping, holding and spawning facilities as well as incubation and juvenile rearing infrastructure.
A major renovation of the hatchery began in 2018 with a goal of modernizing the facility to improve efficiency, capacity, and fish handling. Phase 1 of this effort was completed in 2021, with phase 2 expected to begin as early as 2023.
As of 2023, hatchery program goals included 5 million Chinook, 1.4 million coho, 500,000 chum, and 75 steelhead.
The hatchery is located at:
270 N Valley Road
Naselle, WA 98638