Skykomish River opening delayed with a limited opening around Reiter Ponds scheduled for June 15

May 14, 2024

Action: Closes all fishing in Skykomish River, with a limited opening in the Reiter Ponds area from June 15 to July 10.

Species affected: All species.

Effective dates: May 25, 2024, until further notice.

Specific dates, locations, and rules for Skykomish River:

From the mouth to Highway 2 Bridge:

  • May 25, 2024, until further notice: Closed to all fishing.

From Highway 2 Bridge to 1,000 feet downstream of Reiter Ponds outlet:

  • May 25 through June 14, 2024: Closed to all fishing.
  • June 15 through July 10, 2024:
    • All species: Night closure and anti-snagging rule in effect. Bait prohibited.
    • Dolly varden/bull trout: Minimum size is 20 inches. May be retained as part of trout daily limit.
    • Other trout: Statewide minimum size/daily limit, except: Cutthroat trout and wild rainbow trout minimum size is 14 inches.
    • Other gamefish: Statewide minimum size/daily limit.
  • July 11, 2024, until further notice: Closed to all fishing.

From 1,000 feet downstream of Reiter Ponds outlet to 1,500 feet upstream of Reiter Ponds outlet:

  • May 25 through June 14, 2024: Closed to all fishing.
  • June 15 through July 10, 2024:
    • All species: Night closure and anti-snagging rule in effect. Bait prohibited. Fishing from any floating device is prohibited.
    • Dolly Varden/bull trout: Minimum size is 20 inches. May be retained as part of trout daily limit.
    • Other trout: Statewide minimum size/daily limit, except: Cutthroat trout and wild rainbow trout minimum size is 14 inches.
    • Other gamefish: Statewide minimum size/daily limit.
  • July 11, 2024, until further notice: Closed to all fishing.

From 1,500 feet upstream of Reiter Ponds outlet to confluence of North and South forks:

  • May 25 through June 14, 2024: Closed to all fishing.
  • June 15 through July 10, 2024:
    • All species: Night closure and anti-snagging rule in effect. Bait prohibited.
    • Dolly Varden/bull trout: Minimum size is 20 inches. May be retained as part of trout daily limit.
    • Other trout: Statewide minimum size/daily limit, except: Cutthroat trout and wild rainbow trout minimum size 14 inches.
    • Other gamefish: Statewide minimum size/daily limit.
  • July 11, 2024, until further notice: Closed to all fishing.

This emergency rule overrides rules published in the 2023/24 Washington Sportfishing Rules pamphlet until further notice:

Reason for action:  Limited allowable take of wild Chinook in the Snohomish system necessitates strict controls to conserve impacts for Fall in-river fisheries. 

More information regarding Snohomish Basin wild Chinook conservation and recovery efforts can be found in this blog post:  Snohomish Basin salmon, steelhead fisheries limited to protect wild Chinook.

Additional information: 

Much of the Snohomish Basin is closed until further notice. Additional Snohomish Basin closures can be found in this rule change.

Please see the 2023/24 rules pamphlet for additional rules and opportunities. 

The Fish Washington mobile app is another resource for up to date rules and opportunities.

Anglers can be notified of all fishing rule changes as they are announced by signing up for WDFW rule change emails at

Information contact:  Team Mill Creek, (425) 775-1311 

Fishers must have a current Washington fishing license, appropriate to the fishery. Check the WDFW "Fishing in Washington" rules pamphlet for details on definitions and regulations. Fishing rules are subject to change. Visit to find a list of mobile, web, print, or customer service phone options for the latest rule information.

Request this information in an alternative format or language at, 833-885-1012, TTY (711), or