Falconry is the art of training raptors to hunt in cooperation with a human and the sport of actively pursuing wild quarry with a trained raptor. A person who hunts with a raptor is called a falconer. Raptors (falcons, eagles, hawks and owls) have always held a special place in the lives of humans. Raptors instinctively know how to hunt. The training of a bird for falconry is to allow her to accept a falconer as a partner in the hunt. Today’s falconers are not only sports men and women, they are committed conservationists. Falconers played a large part in the peregrine falcon’s comeback from the brink of extinction, and every raptor used in falconry has stable and increasing populations.
Falconry overview
Learn about the basics of falconry in Washington State.
Becoming a falconer
Steps and requirements to become a falconer.
Classes of falconers
There are three classifications for falconers in Washington, each with its own set of requirements.
Application materials
Educational material, laws and regulations, permit applications, and more.
Falconry seasons
Seasons and regulations for hunting birds and small game with raptors.