2010 Summary of Wildlife Research at Withrow Wind Power Project


Published: August 19, 2010

Pages: 2

Author(s): Michael A. Schroeder and Matt Vander Haegen


The purpose of this research is to examine the potential impacts of the new Withrow Wind Power Project (WWPP) in shrubsteppe-dominated habitat north of Withrow, Washington. Because the WWPP is scheduled to be built no earlier than the summer of 2011, it was certain that 2010 (at least) would offer an opportunity to collect data prior to development. The three major goals of this research were to:

  1. Assess the effects of turbines and related infrastructure on occurrence and relative abundance of passerine birds breeding on the study area.
  2. Assess the effects of turbines and related infrastructure on attendance at leks by greater sage-grouse at points relatively near and far (>10 km) from the project area.
  3. Assess the effects of turbines and related infrastructure on use of habitats by greater sage-grouse on the study area.