Published: August 28, 2007
Pages: 4
Author(s): Michael A. Schroeder
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Between 1956 and 1961, research was conducted on dusky grouse (Dendragapus obscurus, formerly known as blue grouse) on, and adjacent to, the Methow Wildlife Area Unit of the Methow Wildlife Area near Twisp, Washington (Fig. 1). The wildlife area is currently managed by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), but was formerly known as the Methow Game Range and was operated by the Washington Game Department. The original purpose of the research was to obtain baseline data on habitat use, movement, and some of the basic factors influencing grouse numbers. In 1968 this early research was followed up with an evaluation of the impact of grazing on the breeding range of dusky grouse. In order to address this issue, 2 different study areas were selected; the grazed Balky Hills study area on private land and the ungrazed Frazer Creek study on WDFW land (Fig. 1). The research also included a comparison of 1 16- km transect on ungrazed public land with 2 16-km transects on grazed private land.
Suggested citation
Schroeder, M. A. 2007. Dusky grouse on the Methow Wildlife Area, Washington. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Olympia, Washington.