Published: September 30, 2010
Pages: 7
Author(s): Fred C. Zwickel and Michael A. Schroeder
Here we summarize observations and collections of sooty (Dendragapus fuliginosus) and dusky (D. obscurus) blue grouse and Canada (Falcipennis canadensis canadensis) and Franklin (F. c. franklinii) spruce grouse in central and northern British Columbia in 2010, a cooperative study with George F. Barrowclough (GFB) and Jonas E. Lai (JEL), both of the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH). Objectives were to collect specimens of sooty and dusky blue grouse and Canada and Franklin spruce grouse for DNA analysis and to document selected phenotypic characteristcs of the 4 groups. This is a continuation of studies begun in this region in 2005. Specific objectives this year were to: 1) supplement a sample of 4 sooty blue grouse collected in the Bella Coola area in 2008 and obtain a northern sample of dusky blue grouse that is allopatric to sooty populations, and 2) observe and collect samples of Canada and Franklin spruce grouse in central BC (a region where the 2 subspecies appear to meet) for DNA analyses. Tissues and voucher specimens for all birds sampled will be processed in GFB's laboratory at the AMNH.
Suggested citation
Zwickel, F. C., and M. A. Schroeder. 2010. Observations and collections of sooty and dusky blue grouse and Canada and Franklin spruce grouse in central and northeastern British Columbia in 2010, a progress report. Report, Manson’s Landing, British Columbia.