Operating Protocols and Guidelines for Advisory Groups

This document is provided for archival purposes only. Archived documents do not reflect current WDFW regulations or policy and may contain factual inaccuracies.


Welcome and thank you for your participation on one of Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's (Department) advisory groups. We understand that you are a volunteer, choosing to donate your time and energy to help us perform our mission of sound stewardship of fish and wildlife.

I am hopeful this brochure will help you understand your appointment, responsibilities, and the processes in communicating with the Department.

Many items may not be applicable to your specific group; however, I am hopeful that the information provided will better assist you in understanding the variety of roles and purposes of the various groups and the processes of state government in general.

Specific questions or comments on any of this material should be directed to the lead agency contact for your group.

The Department's use of volunteer groups is fundamental in encouraging the use of citizen talent and interest in the affairs of the state, and in keeping government responsive. We welcome the partnership and thank you for your commitment.