Toxic contaminant patterns in Chinook salmon and souther resident killer whales provide insights into whale foraging habitat


Published: 2017

Pages: 2

Author(s): O'Neill, S.M., West, J.E., and J.A., Ylitalo, G.M.

  • Comparison of contaminant patterns in southern resident killer whales and their prey suggests spatial segregation of whale pods in their foraging habitats.

Suggested citation

O'Neill, S.M., West, J.E., and J.A., Ylitalo, G.M. (2017) Toxic contaminant patterns in Chinook salmon and souther resident killer whales provide insights into whale foraging habitat. p. 18 In 2016 Salish Sea Toxics Monitoring Review: A Selection of Research. Edited by C.A. James, J. Lanksbury, D. Lester, S. O'Neill, T. Roberts, C. Sullivan, J. West. Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program. Tacoma, WA. 68 pp; (PDF)