
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife produces hundreds of documents annually, outlining fish, wildlife, and lands management, scientific research, guidance for homeowners, local governments, and contractors, harvest summaries, and other materials.

Newaukum River Smolt Production, 2022

Daniel Olson, Devin West, and Marisa Litz (2024)

Visual and genetic stock identification of a test fishery to forecast Columbia River spring Chinook salmon stocks 2 weeks into the future

Jon E. Hess, Bethany M. Deacy, Michelle W. Rub, Donald M. Van Doornik, John M. Whiteaker, Jeffrey K. Fryer, Shawn R. Narum (2024)

Chehalis River Smolt Production, 2021

Daniel Olson, Devin West, John Winkowski, Todd Seamons, and Marisa Litz (2023)

Upper Chehalis River Smolt Production, 2021

Devin West, John Winkowski, Todd R. Seamons, and Marisa Litz (2023)

Newaukum River Smolt Production, 2021

Daniel Olson, Devin West, John Winkowski, Todd Seamons, and Marisa Litz (2023)