News Release, March 28, 2025: WDFW approves new rules to limit the spread of chronic wasting disease
WDFW confirmed the presence of chronic wasting disease (CWD) in Washington in 2024. Important information pertaining to the disease, preventing its spread, new rules for hunters, and other CWD information is in the following sections.
What is chronic wasting disease?
Information on the presence of CWD in Washington and in the rest of the United States and Canada, how CWD is spread, as well as precautions you can take when handling potentially infected animals.
Testing for chronic wasting disease
There are several ways to have your harvested or salvaged deer, elk, and moose sampled for CWD, depending on your location.
Frequently asked questions
There are many questions about CWD. These questions and answers can help.
Important information for hunters
New rules have been passed both in WDFW’s Region 1 and the rest of the state to prevent the spread of CWD. Please be aware of rules that could affect your hunt.
Non-hunting chronic wasting disease information
CWD affects more than just hunters. Please be aware of how you can help to prevent the spread of the disease.
CWD information for taxidermists and game meat processors
Best management practices for taxidermists and meat processors to help prevent the spread of CWD and an opportunity to be paid for helping to collect CWD samples.