Located about 11 miles northwest of Chelan, this lake is stocked each spring with Brown Trout and Triploid Eastern Brook Trout. In recent years angler reports indicate that fishing for trout has been poor. In 2023 WDFW conducted a spring survey and determined that a "winter kill" occurred during 2022/2023. At present, it is uncertain if any Black Crappie or Pumpkinseed Sunfish remain as a result of this event. WDFW has and will continue to stock trout and monitor the population in order to best inform anglers of the lake's fishing prospects. Internal combustion engines are prohibited per Chelan County ordinance 85-36.
Two-pole fishing is allowed
Shoreline access: Bad - Public land borders much of the lake, but emergent aquatic vegetation allows only fair access with few areas to fish from the shoreline..
Species you might catch
Lake information
County: Chelan
Acreage: 33.60 ac.
Elevation: 2329 ft.
Center: 47.97575, -120.160764
Open in Google Maps
Catchable fish plants
Stock Date | Species | Number Released | Number of Fish Per Pound | Facility |
Visit the Catchable Trout Plants page for a more detailed search of trout plants in this or other bodies of water. To view or download the source data for this table visit the WDFW Fish Plants dataset on the Washington State Open Data Portal
Fishing prospects calendar
Black crappie
Pumpkinseed Sunfish