Interested in fishing in Washington, but don't know where to start? Whether you're hoping to take your first fish from lake to table, or you want to expand your fishing repertoire, WDFW wants to help. Check out the links below for all the info you need to get started.

Recreational salmon fishing
No other place in the world offers the diversity of salmon angling experiences that Washington does.
How to dig razor clams
Razor clam digging is a popular activity on Washington's ocean beaches.
Instructional videos
This YouTube playlist features video tutorials for fishing and shellfishing in Washington.
Fishing for crayfish (crawfish)
A small freshwater version of the lobster, crayfish have become the species of the day for many folks in Washington.
Identifying crab species and soft-shell crab
How to identify your crabbing catch, and determine if the crab is legal to keep.
Squid fishing
Squid, or calamari, is lower in fat and calories than many other protein sources and is easy to catch.
Ice fishing
Ice fishing can be a great activity that gets the whole family outside to catch trout, perch, and crappie during the winter months.
Freshwater and saltwater sportfish records
See previous records and learn how to officially report your possible state-record catch.
Domoic acid
Domoic acid is a naturally occurring toxin produced by certain types of algae that can be harmful to humans.