Coastal Steelhead Management

WDFW announces 2023-2024 coastal steelhead season. Learn more about our steelhead conservation efforts in this new blog post.

A WDFW employee holding a fish
Photo by WDFW

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is committed to helping to advance conservation of coastal steelhead while maximizing possible angling opportunities. 

For graphs of adult steelhead and/or redd counts, run timing, and other in-season information from select locations in WDFW Coastal Region 6, visit the Coastal steelhead in-season indicators page. 

For background on the Coastal Steelhead Proviso Implementation Plan proposed to the Washington State Legislature in December 2022, please see this webpage and our January 2023 blog post.

Supplemental resources for reference

See below for suggested research papers, materials and recordings from our public meetings, and a timeline of events in our steelhead management process.

Share your feedback: 

Use our comment form below to share feedback directly with WDFW fishery managers.

Suggested Research Papers

Public Meetings

WDFW Coastal Region fishery managers held a second virtual town hall Nov. 27 to report on public fishery proposals, provide analysis, and discuss the co-manager plan for fisheries.

View the Nov. 27 PowerPoint presentation (PDF) and see the meeting recording below.

The first virtual town hall was held Oct. 25. WDFW staff solicited fishery proposals and present information on steelhead management, trends, environmental indicators, and forecasts.

View the Oct. 25 PowerPoint presentation (PDF) and see the meeting recording below.

Coastal Steelhead Management Timeline

Coastal Steelhead Management Timeline

  • Early October 2023

    Pre-season preparations

    WDFW will finalize pre-season forecast agreements with tribal governments and meet with tribal co-managers to develop management plans to guide the 2023-2024 coastal steelhead season.

  • Oct. 25, 2023

    Virtual Town Hall No. 1

    WDFW fishery managers will review trends in abundance and environmental indicators, review escapement and fisheries from the 2022-23 season, discuss 2023-24 forecasts, and hear public input on possible fishery proposals.

    6-8 p.m.

    Attend this meeting via Zoom
    Or attend by phone at: 253-215-8782 or 253-205-0468
    Webinar ID: 835 0513 4349

    Details in our calendar event

  • Oct. 26, 2023

    Fish and Wildlife Commission Fish Committee meeting

    WDFW staff will provide an update to the Fish and Wildlife Commission's Fish Committee following the first public meeting. See Commission agendas and materials.

  • Mid-November 2023

    Coastal steelhead pre-season approach identified with co-managers

    WDFW fishery managers and tribal co-managers will finalize management plans that guide the approach to the 2023-2024 coastal steelhead season. 

  • Nov. 27, 2023

    Virtual Town Hall No. 2

    WDFW fishery managers will report back on the public's fishery proposals and analysis, discuss co-manager plan for fisheries, and collect additional feedback.

    6-8 p.m.

    Attend this meeting via Zoom 
    Or attend by phone at: 253-215-8782 or 253-205-0468 

    Webinar ID: 828 9392 1460

    Details in our calendar event

  • Mid- to late November

    Fish and Wildlife Commission Fish Committee special meeting

    WDFW staff will discuss public proposals and staff recommendations with members of the Commission's Fish Committee.

  • December 2023

    Seasons announced

    WDFW will announce the final approach for the 2023-2024 season. 

Coastal steelhead season approach finalized for 2023-24