Signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus)

Category: Crustaceans
Common names: Crawfish, Crawdad, Crawdab

Description and Range

Physical description

There is only one native crayfish species in Washington - the Signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus). This species can be identified by its uniform brownish coloration, white or light coloration of the claw joint ,and the smooth surface of its carapace and claws compared to that of nonnative species.


Rules and seasons

Native crayfish are the only crayfish that may be removed from the vicinity of the waterbody alive. If you cannot positively identify your catch as a nonnative species, the daily limit and other restrictions listed in the Fishing in Washington regulation pamphlet for native crayfish apply.

Regulations require min. size 3ΒΌ" from tip of rostrum (nose) to tip of tail.

For more information see the Fishing for Crayfish webpage.