Volunteer opportunities

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) welcomes volunteers of all abilities who want to contribute to conservation of fish, wildlife, and habitat.

Diverse volunteer opportunities are available, including projects on state wildlife areas and water access areas, habitat restoration projects, Hunter Education instruction, and assisting at outreach events.

Department staff and volunteers work to exemplify the following values:

  • Accountability, we hold ourselves and each other responsible for acting consistent with our values and mission.
  • Service, we add value to Washington communities and seek to improve the public’s experience.
  • Professionalism, we serve in a manner that reflects positively on the Department and on ourselves.
  • Integrity, we are consistently open, honest, ethical, and genuine in our actions.
  • Respect, we treat each other with dignity.
  • Empathy, we take time to understand and appreciate others.


See all volunteer opportunities

Get started volunteering

Earn a free Discover Pass

Volunteer 24 hours on WDFW-approved projects on WDFW-managed lands and you can earn a complimentary annual Discover Pass. Eligible projects are located on “Discover Pass required” posted sites managed by WDFW, including wildlife areas and recreational water access areas. Eligible projects may include stewardship, interpretation, and data collection and analysis (such as community science projects) that enhance staff efforts to successfully manage fish, wildlife, and habitat on Department lands. For more information about how to qualify for a complimentary pass, visit the Discover Pass website or contact your volunteer supervisor.

Additional information


Diane Tilton
Statewide Volunteer Coordinator


Share your volunteer contributions