The capital budget primarily uses borrowed money generated by state bond sales to fund items that benefit future users, such as the benefits provided by a new wildlife area, or state hatchery facility will last 30 years or more. Financing these types of purchases with bonds paid off over 30 years spreads the cost over the life of the acquisition or facility. The operating budget focuses on recurring items that must be paid on a periodic basis, such as staff salaries, and purchases where it does not make sense to spread the costs over a longer period of time.
- Most of the funding comes from state bonds issued by the Washington State Treasurer.
- The capital budget is a separate bill from the operating budget (LEAP budget site).
- The Department’s Capital Budget Request includes a 10-year plan of proposed capital spending.
- Southern Resident Killer Whale (SRKW) Hatchery Infrastructure Master Plan.

Capital Budget Requests
- 2025-27 WDFW Capital Budget Request and 2025-2035 Ten-Year Plan
- 2024 Supplemental Capital Budget Request
- 2023-25 Capital Budget Request
- 2022 WDFW Capital Budget Supplemental Request
- 2021-23 Capital Budget Request
- 2020 Supplemental Capital Budget Request
- 2019-21 Capital Budget Request
More information
- Kristen Kuykendall, Capital and Asset Management Program Director 360-490-4429
- Dave Hoeveler, CAMP budget manager 360-790-1638
- OFM/Gov Budget Website