Colockum Wildlife Area Advisory Committee

The 105,662-acre Colockum Wildlife Area is located between the city of Wenatchee in Chelan County and the city of Ellensburg in Kittitas County. Managed as one unit, WDFW owns 73,199 acres, the Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR) owns 21,440 acres, and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) owns 11,023 acres managed by WDFW through a Memorandum of Understanding. The Colockum is contiguous to the south with the Quilomene unit of the L.T. Murray Wildlife Area. Elevations range from 480 feet to 6,875 feet, with steep, rocky slopes and a rolling series of ridges and canyons that generally drain west to east.

Acquisition of the Colockum began in the mid-1950s using federal Pittman-Robertson funds to expand winter range for deer and elk herds and to perpetuate and improve upland game bird habitat.

The advisory committee provides input on wildlife area management activities, including the review of wildlife area management plans and associated updates. A new plan is not currently scheduled to be written, but will be one of 33 new plans developed over the next five years.

Wildlife Area Advisory Committee (WAAC) Membership

WAAC members represent a range of interested stakeholder groups who have an interest in activities on the wildlife area. Local government, agri-business, and other interests may also be represented on the WAAC. WAAC members:

Represent a group or organization affected by and/or interested in wildlife area planning and management issues;

  • Are committed to sharing information and bringing to the committee feedback from their respective constituents; and
  • Are interested and committed to working collaboratively, respecting others opinions; and
  • Understand, and are comfortable with, the role of serving in an advisory capacity; and
  • Understand the importance of compromise with others, so that diverse values are promoted.

WAAC Role & Responsibilities

The role of the advisory committee is to provide public and other stakeholders' perspectives in WDFW wildlife area planning and management activities. Responsibilities include:

  • Review information, discuss issues with other committee members, and provide constructive input on management activities.Members also assist in development of wildlife area plans and updates.
  • Serve as spokespersons for respective interest groups, reporting back to agency staff and the committee about the interests and concerns of the larger stakeholder group.
  • Ask questions to understand the agencies mandate, goals and purpose of land management activities.
  • Identify an alternate who will serve when and if the primary representative is unable to participate. (Continuity is especially important as there will be a limited number of meetings and each meeting will build on the material covered at previous meetings);
  • Accept input from a variety of user groups on resource issues .
  • Stimulate local interest in maintaining successful WAACs
  • Identify key issues of concern
  • Provide input on how the WAAC could be more efficient and effective
  • Be able to communicate about agency goals and wildlife area activities outside WAAC meetings
  • Act in an advisory capacity, providing input and guidance to agency staff;

The agency's role is to use this information, when appropriate, to make sound and informed decisions. WAACs are not decision makers. They are not required to reach consensus or necessarily agree with agency decisions.

At the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, we celebrate diverse individuals who bring a wide range of perspectives. All are welcome to participate in our processes regardless of race, color, sex, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, status as a veteran, and basis of disability.

Meeting calendar

Agendas will be available approximately one week prior to the next meeting.