See below for rules adopted in 2020 by the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission or the Director of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. The public comment period has ended for all rules listed below.
See the Rule-making glossary for more information about the terms used here.
Permanent rules
Modifies seasons and permit numbers to provide recreational hunting opportunity in a manner that does not jeopardize bear populations.
Southern Resident Killer Whales (SRKW) are listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act, and the species' decline led to an Executive Order from Governor Inslee to establish the Southern Resident Killer Whale Task Force.
The department is considering comprehensive statewide target practice rules for all WDFW owned and managed lands.
The department is considering reorganizing the ocean commercial and recreational salmon fishing regulations.
The department is considering rule changes to how it administers hunting contests.
The department is considering new rules to govern the management of our rule-making files.
Per HB 2250, the department is revising the coastal crab gear recovery rules to allow recovery permits to be issued from May 1-September 15 each year.
The department is considering amending current recreational fishing rules resulting from stakeholder recommendations made during North of Falcon meetings.
The department is considering amending current Puget Sound commercial fishing rules resulting from stakeholder recommendations made during North of Falcon meetings.
The Department is considering changes to WDFW's coastal commercial salmon fishing rules, resulting from North of Falcon recommendations.
The department is considering rule changes for hunting season regulations and conflict mitigation.
Rule amendments are needed to implement elements in sections 4 through 11 of 2SHB 1579 to add a mechanism for preapplication determination, implement enhanced civil compliance tools, remove references to repealed statutes, and clarify administrative actions that are subject to informal and formal appeal.
The adopted rules adjusted the recreational clam and oyster seasons based on recent clam and oyster population survey data, recreational harvest projections, and negotiations affecting intertidal Treaty and non-Treaty fisheries, along with public health considerations.
The department is considering amendments to Sturgeon recreational fishing rules.
Rules are needed to implement regulatory measures that will reduce the risk of crab pot gear entanglements with humpback whales.
The department is considering amendments to shellfish and marine fish recreational fishing rules to provide fishing opportunity, to address conservation objectives, and to simplify rules.
The department is considering amendments to freshwater recreational gamefish rules to provide fishing opportunity, to address conservation objectives, to satisfy legislation, and to simplify rules.