Chronic Wasting Disease

Rule-making status: Permanent

Summary of proposed rule

The department considered rule changes to WAC 220-413-030, which relates to regulating importation of hunted cervids (deer, elk, moose and caribou) from other states or countries.

Scope and rationale for proposed rule

The purpose of this proposal is to limit the exposure of deer, elk, moose and caribou in Washington State to a fatal disease that can spread through ungulate carcasses. The proposed amendments would add caribou to the list of species with restricted importation rules, and would broaden the restriction on importing or possessing deer, elk, moose, and caribou carcasses or parts that originate from outside Washington to prevent the introduction of chronic wasting disease, a fatal neurologic disease of cervids. This change will restrict the importation and possession of caribou, deer, elk, or moose carcasses or parts from any out of state origin, except when specific criteria for processing of carcasses or parts are met.

Public comments

The comment period for this rule proposal has closed as of March 19, 2022.

To view comments on this rule proposal, please visit the Chronic Wasting Disease public engagement page.

Public hearing

March 18, 2022 at 8:00 a.m. - Webinar

Date of Adoption: April 8, 2022

State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA)

The comment period on the SEPA Determination closed as of March 19, 2022.

A SEPA comment period ran concurrently with this rule making comment period. WDFW issued a SEPA DNS, which you can find by clicking here (PDF). To view comments submitted on the SEPA Determination, please visit the Chronic Wasting Disease SEPA public engagement page.

For more information

Visit the Hunting season setting timeline page for more information about the steps involved in the hunting season-setting process.

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