Summary of proposed rule
The purpose of the proposed new section-- WAC 220-500-045 Domestic goats and sheep on WDFW-managed lands is to reduce risk of disease transmission to bighorn sheep via contact with domestic goats and sheep on wildlife areas managed by the department.
Scope and rationale for proposed rule
This new permanent rule is intended protect bighorn sheep from disease transmission from domestic sheep and goats. It restricts visitors from bringing these domestic animals, e.g., pack goats, onto wildlife area units specified in the bill. Note that this does not affect existing grazing permits for domestic sheep (e.g. on the LT Murray). These restrictions will be implemented with a combination of education, signage, and enforcement following the rule’s enactment. Anticipated costs associated with implementation outreach and engagement efforts, signage design and installation costs, and marginal enforcement costs to support enforcement of this rule among the suite of regulations of visitor access and use of WDFW-managed lands. This permanent rule replaces the emergency rule of the same name that was in effect.
- CR-102 – filed as WSR 22-21-045 on
CR-102 supplemental documents
- PowerPoint Presentation for Public Hearing (PDF) (1.5 MB)
- Summary Sheet for Public Hearing (PDF) (820.46 KB)
Public hearing
December 1, 2022 at 3 pm - View the Zoom Meeting Recording
Pre-registration for testifying at the hearing closed at 8 am on November 30th.
Date of Adoption: December 12, 2022
State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA)
The SEPA comment period closed on November 30, 2022.
A SEPA Determination was issued on November 16, 2022 and a SEPA comment period is ran concurrently with the rule making comment period. To view comments submitted on the SEPA Determination, please visit the Domestic Sheep and Goats public engagement page.
For more information, please visit WDFW's SEPA page.
Public comments
The comment period has closed as of November 30, 2022.
To view comments submitted on this rule making proposal, please visit our public comment website for Domestic sheep and goats on WDFW lands.