Cougar Hunting Seasons

Rule-making status: Permanent
Rule-making reference: #P2024-07

Summary of proposed rule

The rule proposal seeks to maintain a sustainable cougar hunting season. The rule proposal sets a “cap” on the number of cougars that may be harvested or otherwise taken per year per population management unit and sets the cougar hunting season to start on September 1 and end on March 31 each year. The rule proposal also eliminates the allowance for harvesting a second cougar within the same license year statewide.

Scope and rationale for proposed rule

This rule proposal is responding to and supporting a rule petition (PDF) that the Fish and Wildlife Commission accepted on December 15, 2023. The petition requests that the department revisit the topic of cougar hunting seasons and a previous rule that was adopted in 2020.The rule proposal amends WAC 220-415-100 based on the rule petition. 

Public comments

To view comments on the public engagement page for this rule making proposal, please visit the

This comment period is closed. 

State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA)

SEPA determination: Exempt

The rule making for this proposal is exempt from SEPA under WAC 197-11-800(19).

For more information

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